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Monday, March 28, 2011

A normal day being me

29 march 2011
I woke up, woke the dog up. Put the dog out side, made a coffee, watched the dog drink my coffee..

Got changed went out, saw a friend, saw a friends friend, saw allot of my friends friends, had a piece of cake- actually wound up being two pieces of cake..

Went shopping, came home, stumbled up stairs, UN packed, cuddled dog, chased dog, got chased by neighbours  dog..

 Had coffee with neighbour, went home made tea, made a mess, cleaned up mess, made a bigger mess gave up…. Wine time.

This has become the basic structure of my day to day routine here in Whangarei adding a few things here and there, depending on the day.
Who would have thought i would be starting my own BLOG and living so far away from home? From the environment i was so sheltered in, where i felt safe and comfortable with the support of friends and family. Now look at me, i made the move, we left Wellington, moved to a new city and new town, having only my partner Josh and our 4 babies.(kawa, bugz, daffy, and our newest addition bandit aka-boo-boo).
Since moving in November 2010 i have discovered my dislike for bugs, not just spiders which was what originally freeked me out, but all bugs.the bugs here in Whangarei are MASSIVE. Beetles appear from no where. Flying insects swamp and dive bomb you from all directions but the spiders-now they are the worst.
When arriving from a 10hour drive from Wellington to Whangarei with 2 cats the size of small dogs,a rabbit in a cat cage on my lap. the one thing i was looking forward to was cuddling up on our air bed before Josh started his first nights work at 11pm.

Josh set up the air bed, something we had been sleeping on for nearly 2 months now as our bed was in a shipping container. He killed all the spiders we could see( the house had been empty for sometime and was raided with spiders and insects. Josh left and i settled down for the night. I steered at the roof for sometime watching the spiders come closer, praying that they wouldn't get too close. I turned off the lights and started drift off... AHHHH.. on came the lights. A spider had just ran across my face... Ahhhh i sprinted to the light switch almost in tears. that's it there was no way i was sleeping with the lights off tonight. Out came my computer (wish i had a blog sight then ) And i stayed up for hours, finally i had the courage to try again, that was until i saw yet another spider run across my air bed. NA-A so not sleeping now!!! So i stayed up till the early hours of the morning when Josh came home at 9.30am where i made him debug the whole house and spray. Vacuuming up hundreds of evil little spiders. It took a month before the spiders stopped coming in swarms.

Throughout the first few months of living in Whangarei we had allot of ups and downs. From getting our furniture in the house and set up, to the break downs in tears when i got home sick. Josh bringing home our fridge after a month and a half with out one (because if you have ever tried living with out one over the hot summer months in Whangarei- its a challenge in its self) Having the Ute's wheel fly off on the state highway traveling from Wellington to Whangarei, having the ceferio's wheel fly off on the way to our new house in Whangarei (see a pattern here Josh?) To saving my baby from drowning in the toilet, saving my other baby from escaping, finding a job,meeting new friends. The move has been a huge challenge in its self.
Bandit (my baby rabbit) took a dive for the worst when we locked him in the bathroom, to prevent him from eating the pealing wallpaper and power cords in the house. No sooner that 2 mins after locking him in the room, splashes and scraping was heard coming through the bathroom door. My poor baby had fallen in the toilet and couldn't get out. he looked like a drowned rat and i really wish i had taken a photo, but what could i do.. as any good mother would do i picked him out and gave him a good shampoo bath.(needless to say he wasn't to impressed by this)
Daffy one of our cats tried to escape 3 times in the period of one day. Moving to a new house( i my self don't have children, but i make up for it with my animals who have become my babies) the best thing to prevent stress and animals running away is to lock them up in the new house and let them get used to the new environment. Moving and UN-packing is a difficult task at the best of times and UN like children who are easier to catch and bigger to see animals like to move around quickly and get in the way. The best room to lock them up in that i could think of was the bathroom. Moments before Josh arrived home with the last load on the truck i saw the scales and thought id put them away. (and where do they go?) I opened the bathroom door and Zoom went the cats, all the doors were wide open.. Ahh.. thank god he went to the deck and realized he couldn't jump 2 stories. Josh arrived home and it took 10min running around the house trying to tackle him down. In the end he retired in my kitchen cupboard's. What a nightmare, it took a further 15mins trying to get him out of the cupboards to have him dive for the only open window in the house. Its a good thing Josh's Rugby skill actually came in handy for something as he caught him mid flight.
Changing to a new environment has been incredibly hard, relying on your self, now that's even harder. I miss home, my friends and most importantly all my family, at times i resent Josh for making us move. But at the end of the day it was as much my choice as it was his. ( seriously Josh asking me  a BIG question right on my 4th year of my degree, setting up for 2 exhibition's and trying to figure out who i am at the same time- what were we  thinking) but saying that i don't regret moving. I wont lie and say it was easy-because its not. Its draining and my emotions change faster than my underwear and poor Josh gets most of it. Through out the trip so far Josh and i have become allot closer in so many ways. I'm not afraid of change anymore and i will move again, and i have been so lucky to meet RENETTE LAMBERCHTS- you know i love you and you family xx he he - who has really opened me up to her home and friends. Making me feel so welcome.
 I guess only time will tell what will happen next.. today things are getting easier... tomorrow ..well that's another story... OMG IS THAT A TREE??


  1. Hey chick...awesome to meet you yesterday! Welcome to the world of blogging!! I have added you to my "follow" list, hope you don't mind!
    REally hope to catch up again sometime :) Happy "settling in" (sometimes it takes a while huh?)
    Luv, Neetz...(the bushy haired maori chick with the little "almost 2yr old" booby obsessed blondy haired child) heehee xx

  2. thanks neetz for ur comment :.. was really good meeting you yester day too i had alot of fun :) thats cool that you added me as a follower im moving up in the world hehe, i think i added you to. im still trying to get used to the functions and how to use the sight lol. xxx
