back ground

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cats on the roof again!

Almost Easter where has the year gone???

Woke up to the sound of scurrying on the roof..
Woke dog up, talked to Josh, talked to mum, made breakfast (egg with a hat on)saw neighbor..,
Walked dog, walked rabbit, chased dog, got chased by neighbours dog..again..

Went to work coming first at selling the most scratchies, checked my blog, saw i had 3 comments-yay, noticed one comment was from me-shut down haha.

Talked to mum, found out she had a new job, came home, talked to josh, went out with the neighbor... wine time...

Monday, March 28, 2011

A normal day being me

29 march 2011
I woke up, woke the dog up. Put the dog out side, made a coffee, watched the dog drink my coffee..

Got changed went out, saw a friend, saw a friends friend, saw allot of my friends friends, had a piece of cake- actually wound up being two pieces of cake..

Went shopping, came home, stumbled up stairs, UN packed, cuddled dog, chased dog, got chased by neighbours  dog..

 Had coffee with neighbour, went home made tea, made a mess, cleaned up mess, made a bigger mess gave up…. Wine time.